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As submitted to the Pine Cone:


The Fix-it Candidate


Dear Editor,

I am writing to wholeheartedly recommend my brother, Dale Byrne, for the position of mayor of Carmel. As a successful businessman and a natural leader, Dale embodies the qualities you need in your community's leadership.


Growing up, Dale, our twin sisters and I learned the value of hard work from our parents and grandparents. This work ethic is ingrained in him, and it drives everything he does. When we were children, we were brought up with the mindset that if something was broken, you didn’t throw it out, you repaired it. I remember many times watching our father repair appliances around the house himself and then teaching us those skills. When Dale needed a repair done to his car, he would fix it himself even it meant changing out the transmission. When Dale worked at an ice cream/hamburger shack and the owner couldn’t afford a new menu sign, Dale would make a new one himself. Dale is not only dedicated; he takes great pride in completing team projects and seeing them through to successful fruition…the satisfaction of a job well-done that is an important trait in a leader. His no-nonsense approach to challenges ensures that he tackles issues head-on and finds practical solutions.


Dale has always been passionate about serving your community since he and his wife Margaret bought a home in Carmel 12 years ago. His vision for Carmel emphasizes controlled growth, sustainability, and the importance of community engagement. He has a genuine desire to improve the lives of residents and make the town attractive to visitors, and I believe his leadership will foster a sense of collaboration and progress.


I am confident that Dale's experience, commitment, integrity, and dedication to hard work will make him an outstanding mayor. My wife and I visit Carmel often, bringing friends to play golf and enjoy the town. I’ve seen first-hand the difference his team has already made on the town and look forward to seeing what the town will do under his leadership. He has my full support, and I encourage you to consider him for this very important role.


Wayne Byrne, Dale Byrne’s Brother

Sr Design Engineer, Callaway Golf, Murietta Resident

As seen in the Pine Cone:


Byrne’s ‘new vision’


Dear Editor,
Carmel is desperately in need of a new vision for governing. A new vision that promotes productivity, inclusivity and accountability. A new vision that is respectful of divergent opinions without becoming paralyzed by them. A new vision to reform the process of governing to ensure better communication and more timely participation with the residents. A fresh vision that is honest without hidden agendas and offers innovative thinking to create a way forward.


If you’ve seen any of the transformational improvements in Carmel over the past four years, you can bet that Dale Byrne’s Carmel Cares team has played a part or made it happen. A highly successful businessman, Dale’s ability to connect with residents and other city leaders is a skill he uses to the fullest. For four years, he has been networking in the business community and connecting the extraordinary skills of the local citizens to solve problems in the city.


Dale has accomplished so much in the past four years, that his opponents and non-supporters stay very busy trying to discount his contributions to Carmel and diminish his role as a community organizer. While Dale could fill a page in The Pine Cone with a list of improvements he has facilitated for Carmel-by-the-Sea, his opponents counter: they have experience. Actions speak louder than words.


As a leader in community service, Dale has identified and organized solutions for one problem after another. Isn’t that exactly who we want to represent us? Don’t we want a leader that inspires others to be productive so that our problems start getting solved? Don’t we want a leader who never asks more of others than he is willing to do himself?Vote Dale Byrne for mayor and finally experience what is possible.


Shirley Moon, Carmel Resident, Volunteer

As seen in the Pine Cone:


​'Byrne gets things done'​


Dear Editor,

  • Dale loves Carmel-by-the-Sea.

  • Dale is hard-working and relentless.

  • Dale has an impressive background.

  • Dale is a good neighbor.

  • Dale knows what the important issues are in Carmel-by-the-Sea.

  • Dale knows how our city government works and knows and works with our city employees and elected officials.

  • Dale knows a lot of Carmel residents and has conversations with everyone he meets.

  • Dale is good at fining out other people’s special talents and resources, getting them involved and working to find and implement solutions to local issues.

  • Dale has a track record of positive improvements to Carmel achieved by effectively working with and leveraging other people’s interests, strengths and contributions.

  • Dale is fiscally responsible and big on philanthropic contributions to the community.

  • Dale is open and transparent.

  • Dale has common sense.

  • Dale gets a lot of things done. It’s not all talk, it’s action."


Bob Faussner, Carmel Resident

As submitted to but not printed in the Pine Cone:


Byrne is the Future’


Dear Editor,

The race for Carmel's Mayor has two candidates of merit: Dave Potter and Dale Byrne. Dave Potter has been at the helm as Mayor for the past six years, successfully steering the city through rough situations such as the pandemic, wireless ordinance updates, and economic difficulties. His steady leadership merits appreciation, and he has earned the gratitude of Carmel's citizens, including mine.


However, it’s time to look to the future, and that future is Dale Byrne. As a former CEO, Dale brings fresh energy, and a strong record of leadership, and he is outstanding at setting ambitious goals, encouraging teamwork, and delivering results. Dale's "roll up your sleeves" spirit is perhaps best expressed in his work with Carmel Cares, a community organization he founded. When the city resources were cut, Dale organized teams to upgrade city landmarks and public spaces, including the redwood railing along Scenic's walking path, Forest Theater, and the Ocean Avenue medians - all managed with volunteer power and with City funds being matched 4 to 1 by community financial support.


His leadership in Carmel Cares demonstrates he has formed relationships with all facets of City government and can mobilize the community to get projects done effectively, on time, and within budget. Dale's presence at City Council meetings for the last decade has offered practical insights into how the city works and how it could run even better, showcasing real knowledge.


Dale is a man of integrity, an astute listener, and one who welcomes input and collaboration. He has a clear vision for Carmel's future, and he is ready to bring out the best in both the City Council and the many citizens who volunteer to keep Carmel beautiful. In 2024, it is time for new leadership, and Dale Byrne is the proper choice for Mayor of Carmel.


Bob Kavner, Carmel Resident

Meet my brother, Dale, who is passionate and dedicated in everything he undertakes.  From an early age, whether on the baseball field, at the piano, as a student or employee, he has always approached life with his whole heart. Dale translated his enthusiasm for life into a successful business career, where his drive for excellence is evident.


While Dale is my younger brother, I have always looked up to him for his hard work and willingness to help those in need.  Beyond his professional achievements, Dale is deeply committed to his community.  He founded Carmel Cares dedicated to preserving his beloved city, demonstrating his belief in taking action to make a difference.  If he sees a need, he doesn't just talk about it; he finds a way to get it done. Dale is not just a dreamer, he believes that no dream is too big to pursue.  As a natural leader, he inspires those around him, motivating others to chase their aspirations.


While Dale's dedication to his community is evident, he doesn't just see people as a collective; he genuinely cares for individuals, always taking the time to listen and offer support. I have experienced this firsthand as he helped our family navigate the emotional challenges of watching our father deal with dementia.  Dale's compassion and understanding has made an incredibly difficult time more manageable, and I know he would extend that same level of care to everyone in your community.His commitment to serving others and his ability to connect with people on a personal level make him an ideal candidate for mayor. 


I believe Dale will bring this same passion and empathy to his role, ensuring that every voice is heard and valued.I wholeheartedly encourage everyone to support Dale in this election.  Your community deserves a leader who truly cares. If elected, Dale will bring innovative ideas, strong leadership skills and  a sense of unity to Carmel, making it a better place for everyone. 


Marlene Shirley

Dale's Sister, St George UT Resident

As seen in the Pine Cone:

'Byrne caring and skilled'


Dear Editor,

"In a world where authentic leadership often feels scarce, Dale Byrne stands out as a community hero who genuinely cares about the people he serves. Witnessing Dale’s dedication during the challenging times of the Covid pandemic has been truly inspiring. His ability to connect with people and prioritize their needs reflects values many hold dear, creating hope for a brighter future in the town.  

Dale’s contributions during the pandemic illustrate his impact. As a volunteer grant manager for the Carmel Gives Fund, he has  coordinated over 300 grants, distributing more than $2 million to local schools, nonprofits and businesses. Using matching grant methods they have had an effective value of over $5 million.       

This effort not only supported struggling organizations but also fostered unity within the community. For instance, his special grant program helped 20 local restaurants bring back staff to prepare 16,000 meals for those in need during Covid. This initiative provided sustenance to families while restoring jobs, showing that Byrne values both compassion and economic recovery.


What truly sets Byrne apart is his ability to collaborate and build connections. He united the Community Foundation and the Carmel Chamber to create programs that supported local businesses. By providing $50,000 in restaurant gift cards to displaced families and funding seamstresses to make 3,000 face masks, Dale demonstrated the power of teamwork in driving positive change.


Dale’s leadership extends beyond crisis management. His commitment to understanding and innovative problem solving will serve the town well as mayor. With Dale at the helm, there is confidence that pressing issues like traffic, parking, and housing can be tackled effectively.

In conclusion, Dale Byrne is a candidate for mayor who humanizes leadership through his actions and dedication. Voting for Dale means you are supporting a caring and capable leader who is dedicated to making real change. Embrace the opportunity to support a brighter future by voting for Dale Byrne!"


Carol Crandall
Carmel Resident, Realtor, Volunteer

As seen in the Pine Cone:


'Chief Caring Officer'


Dear Editor,

"I returned to live in Carmel six years ago after growing up here in the 1960s and 1970s. My memories of those times included beautiful landscaping and clean streets. Upon my return, I was disheartened by the changes in the Village and took it upon myself to pick up trash and maintain the area around the Post Office parking lot. One day, I met Dale Byrne, who invited me to join him in cleaning a neglected area on Dolores and 8th. I was immediately struck by his passion and work ethic. Inspired, I joined Carmel Cares, and three years later, I am now a Leader of a dedicated team of volunteers committed to restoring Carmel’s beauty.


I have witnessed firsthand what a dedicated Chief Caring Officer Dale is for Carmel Cares. He provides unwavering support and direction, tackling beautification projects with pride and infectious joy. His leadership inspires our high standards on every project we undertake.


Additionally, I have participated in Dale's bi-monthly update meetings with Public Works and city employees. There, I’ve seen his informative and collaborative nature, as he consistently finds solutions to problems. These qualities are essential for the next Mayor of Carmel. There are many city projects to complete and tough decisions to make, and Dale is more than capable of handling it all and more.


Electing Dale Byrne as Mayor isn't merely "change for change's sake" or choosing a "gardener." It’s about selecting a proven leader who has engaged with merchants, city staff, and locals before his candidacy. Dale has attended city department meetings for years and will ensure policy continuity. He is solution-oriented, streamlining processes and delivering visible results that will bring pride to Carmel-by-the-Sea residents, businesses and visitors alike. Dale's passion is infectious—vote for Dale Byrne!"


Kelly Burke

Carmel, Retired, Volunteer

As seen in the Pine Cone:


'Inspiring Leadership'

Dear Editor,

Dale Byrne is more than a leader; he is a beacon of hope and inspiration for our community. His remarkable qualities shine brightly—authentic, honest, and dedicated to the betterment of Carmel. Dale embodies integrity and stands by his word, reflecting a deep care for our village and its residents. Whether organizing projects or collaborating with PG&E on the undergrounding of San Antonio, Dale’s commitment is unwavering.

As an intelligent and charismatic leader, Dale has built successful businesses, showcasing his entrepreneurial spirit. His outgoing personality enables him to connect effortlessly with residents and visitors, making him an excellent ambassador for our community. A memorable highlight of his leadership was organizing a welcoming party at Carmel Beach for the iconic Jane Goodall, celebrating those who inspire us.

Dale is a visionary problem solver, exemplifying the spirit of community service in challenging times. Just as President Roosevelt created the Civilian Conservation Corps during the Great Depression, Dale founded Carmel Cares to beautify our village during the pandemic. This initiative embodies President Kennedy’s call to action: “Ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country.” Dale lives this philosophy daily, inspiring us to contribute positively to our community.

As he states on his website, “When neighbors work together, with a passion for mutual values, including transparent government that is open to residents' voices, great things can happen.” This vision will guide Dale Byrne as he steps into the role of Mayor of Carmel-by-the-Sea, fostering unity and collaboration.

Let’s embrace Dale's inspiring vision and work together to create a brighter, more vibrant future for Carmel!


The Kavners, The Witts, The Faussners, The Berris, The Davies, and The Hollenbecks


As seen in the Pine Cone:


'Byrne and the issues'


Dear Editor,

What makes Carmel-by-the-Sea unique?  Clearly, it is not glass buildings, cell towers, and multi-story parking structures. There is only one thing I want to see changed about this town and that is those members of our city council who believe what the community thinks is best is peripheral to what those council members think is best.


Let me list a few of the issues which reflect the actions of four members of the city council, two of whom are running for election for mayor.


  • Lack of transparency: Multiple ad hoc committees operating in the shadows that have not included the community in important projects.

  • Housing mandates: Distorted the application of the Surplus Land Act to include the only public parking lots, Vista Lobos and Sunset Center for development and refused to look at viable alternatives.

  • Unfunded pension liability: Not addressing vested unfunded pension liability and continuing to propose projects adding to community debt.

  • Police station: Used an ad hoc committee to evaluate needs of the police department without community input, recommending a new police station on the Vista Lobos parking lot at a cost estimated in excess of $15 million.


Lack of transparency speaks for itself.  Reasonable housing mandate planning reflects a refusal by certain members of the council including the two running for mayor to look at alternatives as well as including land that they improperly proposed to address as surplus land which it is not. Ignoring other reasonable proposals that would not cause significant adverse effects on the community.


The two current council members running for mayor may say that is an inaccurate description of what they did. For those of us who watched what they did, I would say it is very accurate. We have two incumbents running for mayor. We already know what these candidates will do because of what they already did. Have they changed positions?


My question is, why would the community vote for people who have done these things that the majority of the community reject and expect a different result?  I support Dale Byrne for Mayor.


James Ardaiz

Carmel Resident, Retired  Judge

As seen in the Pine Cone:


'Decisiveness matters'


Dear Editor,

At a recent city council meeting, the staff once again presented a plan to secure $667,000 in Rule 20A funds allocated to Carmel.  This project, if approved and completed, will bury city power lines near the Del Mar parking lot up to San Antonio.  This is good.  Burying power lines protects Carmel’s infrastructure from natural disaster. In truth, it’s expensive, about $1,000 per linear foot. $667,000 comes from the utility, the balance from other sources.  Another truth, it’s our money — undergrounding costs are funded through rate hikes on our bills.  


Now for some bad news.  Carmel lost about 30 percent of its undergrounding allocation while waiting for the council to act.  Carmel risks losing its remainIng $667,000 allocation in June 2025. Why did the council defer acting on this decision for more than three years?  The current city council has a track record of delaying and deferring.  There is currently more than $60 million in deferred maintenance that is unfunded. Had the council acted on staff’s recommendation in March 2021, the loss of $300,000 in city Rule 20A funds would not have happened.


The solution is to have representatives in city hall who can act decisively, negotiate strategically and listen com- passionately.  The solution is to elect Bob Delves to the city council. Bob brings years of experience dealing with large budgets in business and government and managing destination cities where tourism is a primary source of revenue.


And where would this city be today without the dedicated management, collaborative can-do spirit and practical business experience of Dale Byrne?  Given that the only significant improvements made to the city's infrastructure in the past six years were accomplished through Carmel Cares under Dale’s leadership. The solution is Dale Byrne in the office of Carmel mayor.


Mel Ahlborn

Carmel Resident, Artist

As seen in the Pine Cone:


'Byrne perfect candidate’


Dear Editor,

I may not live in Carmel, but my frequent visits have given me a deep appreciation for its special charm. When my brother Dale Byrne and his wife Margaret made Carmel their forever home, I knew it would be the perfect fit. Over the past year, it became clear from conversations with Dale and reading the Pine Cone that Carmel could benefit from new leadership. Since he is not a politician, Dale's decision to run for mayor was monumental, and I want to offer some insight into why he’s the perfect candidate.


If you asked his three siblings, we’d describe Dale as intelligent, driven, passionate, and innovative. He’s been like this since childhood, always seeking to improve things. These traits combined with hard work and dedication have led to his business success and he has been using that energy to serve Carmel.  In November 2019, I stayed with Margaret and Dale for a month and saw firsthand his relentless drive. I thought he was enjoying retirement, but instead, I found myself helping him assist the City set up for the Christmas craft fair before dawn, constantly working on projects for the City and others, including launching Carmel Cares to do traffic calming activities. His passion was inspiring, and I followed him around as he attended City meetings and volunteered at the Visitors Center.


Dale and Margaret had canceled their long vacations and instead enjoyed their hometown and frequented local businesses. Dale's commitment to the community runs deep. Whether developing VoiceMap audio tours of Carmel, attempting to refurbish the Scout House, or simply picking up trash as he walks around town, he was always focused on making Carmel a better place. Even during the pandemic, Dale coordinated restaurants to make meals for those in need, and seamstresses to make thousands of face masks.


Dale’s dedication to Carmel is clear. Improving the city isn’t just a campaign for him—it’s who he is.


Cheryl Cowan

Alexandria, Va Resident, Professional Home Caretaker, Sister of Dale Byrne

As seen in the Pine Cone:


Byrne ‘perfect candidate’


Dear Editor,

I may not live in Carmel, but my frequent visits have given me a deep appreciation for its special charm. When my brother Dale Byrne and his wife Margaret made Carmel their forever home, I knew it would be the perfect fit. Over the past year, it became clear from conversations with Dale and reading the Pine Cone that Carmel could benefit from new leadership. Since he is not a politician, Dale's decision to run for mayor was monumental, and I want to offer some insight into why he’s the perfect candidate.


If you asked his three siblings, we’d describe Dale as intelligent, driven, passionate, and innovative. He’s been like this since childhood, always seeking to improve things. These traits combined with hard work and dedication have led to his business success and he has been using that energy to serve Carmel.


In November 2019, I stayed with Margaret and Dale for a month and saw firsthand his relentless drive. I thought he was enjoying retirement, but instead, I found myself helping him assist the City set up for the Christmas craft fair before dawn, constantly working on projects for the City and others, including launching Carmel Cares to do traffic calming activities. His passion was inspiring, and I followed him around as he attended City meetings and volunteered at the Visitors Center. Dale and Margaret had canceled their long vacations and instead enjoyed their hometown and frequented  local businesses.


Dale's commitment to the community runs deep. Whether developing VoiceMap audio tours of Carmel,  attempting to refurbish the Scout House, or simply picking up trash as he walks around town, he was always focused on making Carmel a better place. Even during the pandemic, Dale coordinated restaurants to make meals for those in need, and seamstresses to make thousands of face masks.


Dale’s dedication to Carmel is clear. Improving the city isn’t just a campaign for him—it’s who he is.


Cheryl Cowan

Dale's Sister, Alexandria, Va.

As see in the Pine Cone


'Byrne a hero’


Dear Editor,

Dale Byrne is my hero. In the last few years, he has probably done more for Carmel-by-the-Sea than any other person in our town. While our present council and staff have been overspending and not involving the residents, Dale organized Carmel Cares and involved the citizens in beautifying our streets, parks and the Scenic Pathway. He has also attended many meetings and served on many committees, lending his exceptional business expertise and experience to all facets of our city government. Experience means nothing without action, and Dale Byrne has proven himself to be a perfect candidate for mayor of Carmel-by-the-Sea.


Andi Carr,

Carmel Resident, Retired, Volunteer​

As seen in the Pine Cone:


'Byrne endorsed'


Dear Editor,

It isn’t often that we are able to preview how a new candidate for mayor would be if elected. With Dale Byrne, president of Carmel Cares, we not only have a preview, we have had a four-year rehearsal that has transformed Carmel-by-the-Sea. If you haven’t seen the transformation from the Scenic pathway, to the Forest Theater, to the Ocean Avenue center medians to the Downtown Detail team improvements or the Pick up Posse teams with blue buckets reducing litter in the village, the pathway and the beach, or the Tag Team removing graffiti, and if you haven’t noticed the smiles of the business owners and the enthusiasm of Carmel Cares volunteers, please check your pulse immediately.            


The community has an opportunity to embrace a vision of a more spectacular Carmel. We have the opportunity to recognize how positive energy is infectious and creates a frenzy of action and gratitude. We have an opportunity to support a leader who inspires people to be their best for the benefit of the community.


And, we have an opportunity to elect a person who thrives on engaging the community to explore creative solutions and then dares to ask, “What if ... ?”

Carmel needs and deserves this opportunity to renew and refresh its core value of being “primarily, essentially and predominantly a residential city.”  Please join me in seizing this opportunity to support Dale Byrne for mayor!         


Shirley Moon

Carmel Resident, Retired, Volunteer

As seen in the Pine Cone:

Dear Editor,

I am writing this letter in regards to Dale Byrne running for mayor in Carmel-by-the-Sea.  My English is not the best but, genuinely and honestly, I would like to make a straightforward judgment.  Dale has contributed a significant amount of time during the last six years to improve the City of Carmel - a more significant amount of time as a volunteer than anyone else has ever done in the past, based on my 20 years living here in Carmel.


During Covid, he tremendously helped several restaurants with ideas and connections with an unparalleled result.  He never gives up and continues to connect people in the community and finds solutions that bring results that make a difference.  His voice and intention are always bringing results that will make a difference for years to come to all the residents of Carmel, elevating all of us, including businesses, to a standard that other cities still don’t have.   I am grateful and thankful for all he has accomplished.


Dennis Boaro

Carmel Restaurant Owner

As seen in the Pine Cone:


'Surveying the candidates'


Dear Editor,


I have personally met with all but one of the non-incumbent individuals running for mayor and city council and have seen both forums for candidates hosted by the CRA and Chamber.  I have hosted teas for four of them.


So here is my take, starting with the candidates for mayor. The incumbent, Potter, has already served for six years. The current discontent by constituents is grounded in the lack of transparency and the council process of making numerous key decisions without bringing the residents along on the trip. Unfortunately, he also has physical issues that make it difficult to understand his speech.


Jeff Baron is running for mayor without “risk,” as he will remain as a council member if he loses. He stands out as someone who supports address numbers, is supportive of state control of local housing, increasing telecom wires and towers, and is neutral on adding more security cameras throughout the village, among other sins. He has chosen not to speak to me (and many others) in years—I’ve disagreed with him on many issues.


Dale Byrne, founder of Carmel Cares and fund manager for Carmel Gives, is generally supportive of keeping Carmel “charm” and has a proven record for getting things done. He brings a practical, common-sense, can-do attitude. As for Council, we have five candidates, of which four bring a richness of choices.


In order of my preferences, David O’Neil would bring a thoughtful, sincere, hard-working presence to the council. He is all about listening to the residents. Bob Delves has a strong background in fiscal responsibility and a rational, even-tempered approach to decision making. Parker Logan has in the past not been a serious candidate for me, due to his angry delivery (although often justified). However, he has emerged as able to express solid opinions on serious issues in ways no one else is willing to do (the emperor is wearing no clothes, he would point out!). He is refreshingly frank and humorous at the same time. Danny Hala is a thoughtful young man who loves Carmel while representing the business community. However, he is the least known of the candidates, so I doubt he is a serious contender, and I hope he will run again in a later election. Hans Buder has only recently shown up on the CRA and a city commission and is supporting the state’s housing mandates. It is unclear what his financial motives are in that regard. He already has a great deal on his plate (he has a real estate business in Texas) and is most closely aligned with Baron’s ideology.


That’s it, my observations. I am all for keeping Carmel Carmel, to quote Parker.


Karyl Hall

Carmel Resident, Former HRB Commissioner, Volunteer

As seen in the Pine Cone


‘Strong leadership'


’Dear Editor,
I first became aware of Dale Byrne during the pandemic, when I opened an art gallery on Dolores Street.  I noticed a group of dedicated volunteers regularly picking up trash and planting succulents around town, and I assumed they were city employees.  Week after week, I saw a gentleman in a leather hat tirelessly hovling soil and planting in areas that needed attention.  


I later worked alongside these volunteers at the Forest therater, where I witnessed firthand the incredible spirit Dale inspires. Together, we planted on the hillside with a sense of pride that can only come from true community collaboration. From that moment, I was drawn to support Dale’s mission through Carmel Cares. His commitment to our community is not only inspiring but also infectious.


I can’t think of a better leader to move Carmel forward than Dale Byrne.  He listens, he acts, and he gets things done. His passion for Carmel is evident in every act of service through his nonprofit, and I have no doubt that this same dedication will translate into strong leadership for our city.  Dale will bring the tools and advocacy we need to thrive in the borader landscape of Californaia governance and change.


Jennifer Perlmutter

Art Gallery Owner, Carmel, Volunteer

"We  have worked with Dale Byrne and the Carmel Cares group for the past 4 years.  He has brought together many local citizens to help improve and maintain the "look" of Carmel-by-the- Sea.   We have found Dale to be a man with a mission:  Make Carmel a better place to live!
Dale is:  Transparent, honest, organized, a motivator, intelligent, team player, has boundless energy, resourceful, brings people together to get things done, and not motivated for personal recognition. He cares deeply about this community.  In his "previous life" he was a successful entrepreneur and he has brought all his skills to the Carmel Cares project and his involvement in many City processes.
Our community is faced with some major projects that are going to require Leadership to bring together members of our community to find creative ways to  evaluate and move forward.  Dale knows how to make this happen. We believe Dale Byrne will make an outstanding Mayor for Carmel-by-the Sea and hereby endorse Dale for Mayor."

Andi & Noel Carr

Carmel Residents, Retired Business People, Volunteers

"Since I first met Dale, I knew he could be the hardest-working and most inspiring Mayor Carmel-by-the-Sea could hope for. He has donated so much time, money, and energy to the village and attends almost every civic meeting. He was selected as the Carmel Residents Association Citizen of the Year for his outstanding service to the community. 


His title at Carmel Cares, “Chief Caring Officer,” embodies that sentiment perfectly. His passion to engage volunteers and inspire everyone around him to participate in the betterment of this marvelous place is evident everywhere we look. 


His creative spirit inspired him and his lovely wife, Margaret, to build five beautifully “hand-made” homes that grace our community with their attention to detail and quintessential Carmel charm. 


In everything he does, Dale inspires, creates, and cares for this community on every level. His leadership has already benefited our community more than most people know. Let’s see what he can do as Mayor."

David O'Neil

Carmel Resident, Real Estate Professional, Volunteer

Carmel City Council Candidate

"I am ecstatic that Dale is running for Carmel-by-the-Sea’s mayor!  In the time I have known him and worked with him on a few of Carmel Cares many projects that he has initiated and completed, Dale has shown more devotion and interest in our village than anyone I know.


From sun-up to sundown, he has succeeded in improving so many aspects of our community. It has been astounding to see all he has accomplished in such a short amount of time. Without hesitation, he will put Carmel’s needs and its citizenry first.  He has already demonstrated he carefully considers how best to spend our funds, the ramifications of projects, and how they will impact our village. 


I know of no other who will continue to bring out the best in all of us. His enthusiasm inspires me to give back to Carmel. It is rewarding to work with someone who cares so much about taking care of such a jewel of a village we all call home, and I plan to continue my efforts with Dale at the helm."

Cari White

Carmel Resident, Retired Dentist, Volunteer

"At last, a candidate with energy, focus and passion to occupy the mayor’s office at City Hall. When Dale Byrne says he gets things done, he means it. He has a stellar record of many years of dedication and generosity to this village, Carmel-by-the-Sea. He’s the man who invented Carmel Cares, one of the most effective of all nonprofits in Monterey County. Make no mistake, Dale Byrne cares about Carmel, its citizens, its history, and its future. There has never been a person more qualified to lead this village. Dale Byrne... he gets things done."

Tom Parks, Carmel Resident
Playwright, Columnist for CRA

"I am impressed with Dale’s constant consideration of what needs to be done to preserve and beautify Carmel. While actively pursuing a hands-on approach, he has created relationships with funding sources, pursued grants from foundations, and developed a working relationship with City management; resulting in projects that are best for Carmel.


The facts of the past few years are proof of Dale’s commitment and proven ability to improve Carmel’s beauty, as well as the infrastructure and systems needed to restore and protect our city’s face for its citizens and visitors. To engage with Dale is to commit to work, it is not an engagement devoted to wistful conversation but active doing. He has no agenda or entanglements that would detract from his goal of a friendly, safe, beautiful, and inviting village. He has proven organizational and people skills combined with vision and commitment – a total package.


I, like others, will continue to be inspired to act by providing personal time to further the programs Dale has already put into motion for the betterment of Carmel as well as whatever may come next.


I cannot imagine a better Mayor."

Chris White

Carmel Resident, CPA, Volunteer

"Dale is undoubtedly the most passionate, hard-working and committed citizen of Carmel demonstrated by his relentless hands-on volunteer work fixing and maintaining the neglected areas throughout our community. Dale Byrne was elected “Citizen of the Year” in 2021 by the Carmel Resident’s Association hosted at the Carmel Women’s Club where he was received by a standing ovation and certificates of recognition from elected officials and representatives of the city, county and state. 


Dale has organized our community’s largest volunteer group “Carmel Cares”.  His leadership by example has inspired 150 volunteers to roll up their sleeves and join him in beautification and maintenance efforts throughout our village. As Chief Caring Officer of Carmel Cares,  Dale’s leadership has forged positive connections between people through a mutual sense of community spirit. Dale has fostered volunteer teams that are out in the community having a lot of fun working together on village maintenance. 


We love the various Carmel Cares volunteer groups seen in their yellow vests throughout the community such as the Downtown Detail out weeding and maintaining tree and planting beds to enhance our store fronts, the Tag Team volunteers who track down and remove graffiti throughout town, the Pick Up Posse volunteers armed with buckets, gloves and pickers to collect litter in every corner of the village, and our Median Minder volunteers who pull weeds and tend to our center street median islands. 


Dale has forged relationships with Carmel residents, businesses, schools, city leaders, police and fire services through his Carmel service goals. Dale has the personality, the perseverance and the dedication to get things done as Mayor of Carmel-by-the-Sea.  He streamlines processes and manages large Carmel projects to completion on a regular basis.  We have no doubt that Dale will be a strong, dedicated and positive leader who will work together with the community."

Tasha and Dylan Witt, Carmel Residents,
Retired Teacher, Physician, Volunteers

"I am writing to express my strong endorsement of Dale Byrne for the position of Mayor of Carmel. As a long-time resident and active member of our community, I have had the opportunity to observe Dale’s dedication, leadership, and vision for our city, and he is the ideal candidate to lead us into a prosperous future.

Dale has consistently demonstrated a deep commitment to improving the quality of life for all residents. His work creating and leading projects throughout the village have resulted in positive collaboration with all facets of City Government and have enhanced our community and showcased Dale’s ability to bring people together and achieve noticeable results.


One of the most compelling reasons I support Dale is his wide-ranging approach to outstanding leadership. He has a proven record of accomplishment in engaging with all sectors of our population and making decisions that reflect the best interests of the entire community. His collaborative spirit and transparency are precisely what we need to address the complex challenges we face and to create a more fiscally sound, sustainable, and vibrant future for Carmel.

In addition, Dale possesses the skills and experience necessary to manage our city’s resources effectively. Having a solid background in business, founding a non-profit, being a technology entrepreneur, and having abundant life experience has given us a deep understanding of the issues we face. He possesses the innovative solutions required to address them, and I am confident that under Dale’s leadership, our city will thrive and become an even better place to live, work, and raise a family.

In conclusion, I wholeheartedly endorse Dale Byrne for the position of Mayor of Carmel. His vision, integrity, and unwavering dedication make him the best choice to lead our community. I encourage my fellow residents to support Dale Byrne in the upcoming election. In short, DALE CARES."

Tea Yengst, Carmel Resident,
General Manager, Volunteer

"I am very excited to support Dale Byrne for Mayor!  Dale is a no-nonsense, common-sense, tell-it-like-it-is kind of leader.  I really like that about him, and I find it refreshing.  He won't just tell you what you want to hear but will tell you the truth.  He has a positive, can-do attitude that is inspiring and contagious.  If you have a problem, Dale will help you find a solution.  Dale is a strong and fearless leader.  He played a pivotal role in helping Stop Cell Towers in Carmel Neighborhoods to get a strong wireless ordinance to help stop unnecessary cell tower proliferation in our neighborhoods.  He was always there for us and was willing to do whatever he could to help support us.  He went above and beyond, and I am very grateful for that. 


No one will work harder than Dale, and no one cares more about this community than Dale. Carmel is very blessed to have someone as smart and capable as Dale, willing to dedicate himself to making our village shine and be the best it can be.  Just look at what Dale has accomplished with Carmel Cares and imagine how much he could achieve as Mayor!  The possibilities are endless, and the future looks bright with Dale Byrne as Mayor of Carmel-by-the-Sea! ."

Christy Hollenback

Carmel Resident

As seen in the Pine Cone:


Dear Editor,

As a proud resident of Carmel Valley and daily visitor to Carmel-by-the-Sea, and as a keen observer of the developments in our beloved city, I am thrilled to endorse Dale Byrne for Mayor. Dale is a true community champion whose tireless efforts and impactful initiatives have significantly enhanced the beauty and functionality of our city.

Dale Byrne's track record speaks for itself. As the founder of the nonprofit organization Carmel Cares, Dale has been instrumental in the last few years raising and channeling tens of thousands of dollars into publicly visible repairs and enhancements throughout the city. His commitment to improving our community is evident in every project undertaken by Carmel Cares. Whether it's refurbishing public spaces, maintaining our charming streetscapes, or ensuring the preservation of our unique aesthetic, Dale's influence is unmistakable.

What sets Dale apart is his hands-on approach and his ability to galvanize others. He embodies the spirit of a dedicated citizen willing to roll up his sleeves and "get things done." His impeccable project management skills and unwavering dedication have made him a true motivator, inspiring countless volunteers to join his mission to beautify Carmel-by-the-Sea.

In these times, we need a leader who not only understands the intricacies of our city's needs but also has the proven ability to mobilize resources and people to address them. Dale's extensive experience in business, executive level leadership, and project management, coupled with his genuine passion for our community, make him the ideal candidate for Mayor.


I am confident that under Dale Byrne's leadership, Carmel-by-the-Sea will continue to thrive, preserving its unique charm while embracing necessary improvements. Let's elect a mayor who has consistently demonstrated his “make it happen now” DNA and his love for our city through action and dedication. Dale Byrne has my wholehearted support, and I urge you to join me in supporting his candidacy as the next Mayor of Carmel-by-the-Sea.

Brian Steckler, Carmel Valley Resident
Retired IT Executive and Naval Officer, Volunteer

As Seen in the Pine Cone:


Dear Editor,

I have observed Dale Byrne at work in various contexts over the last couple of years, including in his many interactions with Carmel-by-the-Sea’s city government. He has a clear vision, unlimited energy, a high level of interest, discipline, experience, ethics, and the personal skills to effectuate a multitude of projects in partnership with city government and the laws that bind it.Some of the many projects Dale Byrne has actively supported in a working partnership between the city and Carmel Cares include, notably, the Ocean Avenue median restoration, various Forest Theater and Sunset Center projects, Shirley Moon’s Scenic pathway restoration, and the Downtown Detail and Beach Pick Up Posse teams, to name just a few.


Overall, Dale simply gets things done. It is my belief that he would bring these same qualities and experience to the position of mayor of Carmel-by-the-Sea.Finally, both he and his wife Margaret are highly personable and care deeply about this special town. It is for these reasons that, as a third-generation homeowner and now a full-time resident of Carmel-by-the-Sea, I support Dale Byrne’s candidacy for mayor.


Kelly. Francis

Carmel Resident, Retired Attorney, Volunteer

As seen in the Pine Cone:


Dear Editor,

As seen in the Pine Cone:


‘Unity rather than division’                


Dear Editor,                    

As a candidate for Carmel mayor, I’ve been asked about my stance on various issues, and one topic that stands out is the proposed change from our 100-year-old tradition of directional addresses to 4-inch high, illuminated numeric addresses to clearly polarized our community, and, in a small town like ours, such divisions can be particularly harmful. Therefore, any suggestions to alter the defining charcteristics of our town must be approached with great care and deliberation. Unfortunately, this has not been the case so far.  


The city council made a decision to have staff draft an ordinance for this change without having all the necessary facts on the table, such as public opinion, the implementation costs, the timeframe, and the overall impact on the community. This decision was made late at night, around 10 p.m., after more than five hours of an already contentious meeting. In contrast, the following month’s Monday council meeting lasted only five minutes. This discrepancy suggests that when it became evident that this topic required a thorough and proper process, it might have been wiser to postpone the decision to a later date.        


After a century of tradition, there’s no reason this issue needed to be decided so hastily and without comprehensive public and council input. Even if all the relevant information had been available, a matter of this sigfnificance likely shouldn’t be decided by just three council members. Perhaps it should be put to a public vote after all the facts have been presented and a proper debate has occurred, to prevent further division in our community.


Given that this issue won’t be resolved quickly, especially with two council members leaving after the November election, we should all take a step back. Let’s assist those who struggle with the current address system and work toward resolving this issue through a proper, inclusive process that fosters unity rather than division in our town.                    

Dale Byrne, Carmel


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Dale Byrne for Carmel Mayor 2024

PO Box 451

Carmel, CA 93921

(831) 233-2288

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